Caribbean Journal of Mixed Methods Research (Open Access)
Journal Information
- ISSN: 0799-5962
- eISSN: 0799-5970
- DOI: 10.37234/CJMMR
- First Issue: June 2020
- Frequency: Annual, beginning in June 2020.
Caribbean Journal of Mixed Methods Research is the first of its kind in the Caribbean to target studies wherein a mixed-methods research approach is utilized. It aims to publish original reports describing the use of mixed-method research in studies from medicine, nursing, education, and the social sciences, as well as interest groups from industry and environmental studies.
Editors in Chief
Loraine D. Cook
School of Education
University of the West Indies, Mona
Kingston 7
Steve Weaver
School of Nursing
University of the West Indies, Mona
Kingston 7
Editorial Board
Dr. Tomlin Paul
Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of the West Indies (Mona)
Dr. Hamid Ghany
Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies
University of the West Indies (St. Augustine)
Dr. Canute Thompson
Head, Caribbean Centre for Educational Planning
Professor A. Henry Lee
Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies
University of the West Indies (St. Augustine)
Professor Theresa Betancourt
Salem Professor in Global Practice and Director, Research Programme on Children and Adversity
Professor Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Professor of the Educational Leadership Management Department and the Educational Psychology Department and Past President of Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA)
Professor Burke Johnson
Professor, Department of Professional Studies, Mixed Methods Research, Evaluation, Research Methodology
The editors welcome submission of papers here.
Please see the latest Call for Papers.