Chapter 1 Introduction
Response to HIV and AIDS
Prevalence of HIV in Guyana
What We Know of HIV and AIDS
Deficiencies in Research
Significance of Study
Purpose of Study
Research Questions
Chapter 2 Literature Review
HIV and AIDS Knowledge and Stigma-related Attitudes/ Perceptions
HIV and AIDS Knowledge
Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions
Interventions to Increase Knowledge of HIV and AIDS
Relationship between HIV and AIDS Knowledge and Stigma-related Attitudes/ Perceptions
Summary of HIV and AIDS Knowledge and Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as an Explanatory Model for Findings in the Literature Review
Chapter 3 Methodology
Research Design
Participants and Procedures
Intermediary Variables
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
Chapter 4 HIV and AIDS Knowledge
Descriptive Statistics – Knowledge and Demographics
Knowledge and Demographics
Chapter 5 HIV and AIDS Stigma-related Attitudes/ Perceptions
Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions and Demographics
Chapter 6 Predictors of Knowledge and Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions
HIV and AIDS Knowledge
The Ten HIV and AIDS Knowledge Items
HIV and AIDS Stigma-related Attitudes and Perceptions
The Thirteen HIV and AIDS Stigma-related Attitude/ Perception Items
Relationship between HIV and AIDS Knowledge and Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions
Chapter 7 Discussion and Implications
Univariate Findings
Bivariate Findings
Multiple Logistic Regression
HIV and AIDS Knowledge in Guyana
Religious Groups and HIV and AIDS Knowledge
HIV and AIDS Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions in Guyana
Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis Implications
Appendix 1 Gender and HIV and AIDS Knowledge
Appendix 2 Age and HIV and AIDS Knowledge
Appendix 3 One-way Analysis of Variance
Appendix 4 Games-Howell Test
Appendix 5 Kruskal-Wallis (Ranks): Ethnic Groups and Attitudes/ Perceptions
Appendix 6 HIV and AIDS Knowledge – Full Model
Appendix 7 The Ten HIV and AIDS Knowledge Items
Appendix 8 Stigma-related Attitudes/Perceptions – Full Model
Appendix 9 The Thirteen HIV and AIDS Stigma-related Attitude/Perception Items
Appendix 10 Relationship between HIV and AIDS Knowledge and Stigma-related Perceptions
Recommended Further Reading