“The papers in these volumes inevitably chart the course of Sir Alister’s professional life and . . . I marvel at the prodigious output of his intellectual journey.”
–Sir Shridath Ramphal, former Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, Common wealth Secretary General, Chairman of the West Indian Commission and Director-General of the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery.
“Sir Alister held an unswerving belief that the only workable pathway for the survival of the small countries of the Caribbean was through a strategy of regional integration that would combine the synergies of the individual countries of the region into a collective whole.”
“He was quite insistent about youth participation and either devised or supported various initiatives to encourage a younger generation of scholars to participate directly in the regional integration project.”
“He held numerous consultations, commissioned a number of technical studies from university scholars, the private sector and governmental institutions and developed structured negotiating positions (through his blue and red negotiating books) to enable the region to speak with one voice and hold a common position in the international community.”
–Dr. Shelton Nicholls, Senior Advisor to the President, Caribbean Development Bank.
ANDREW S. DOWNES is Professor Emeritus of Economics, former Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Development) and Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, The University of the West Indies.
COMPTON BOURNE is Professor Emeritus of Economics, The University of the West Indies, former President, Caribbean Development Bank, former Campus Principal (St Augustine) and Pro Vice-Chancellor, The University of the West Indies.
M. ARNOLD McINTYRE Deputy Division Chief, Western Hemisphere Department, International Monetary Fund, former Trade Analyst and Policy Advisor at the following regional institutions: Caribbean Development Bank, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, CARICOM Export Development Agency and the Caribbean Regional Negotiation Machinery (now designated the Office of Trade Negotiations, CARICOM).
ROSALIE O’MEALLY is former Director, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, The University of the West Indies, former Project Director, Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery.
Paperback ISBN (Vol. 1) 978-976-653-034-1
ePub ISBN (Vol. 1) 978-976-653-035-8
380pp 7 x 10
US$60. 00 (S) Paper
Rights: Worldwide
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