List of Figures / x
List of Tables / xi About the Editors / xiii Tribute / xv
Foreword / xvii Acknowledgements / xix Introduction / xxi
List of Abbreviations / xxiii
Section 1 Human
Resources Development in Small Developing Countries
Introduction to Section 1 / 3
Human Resources Development: Its Relevance
to Jamaica and the Caribbean: Second Grace Kennedy Foundation Lecture,
Kingston, Jamaica, 1990 / 7
1.2 Issues
in Human Resources Development: A Commentary Prepared for the World Bank, 1995
(Caribbean Dialogue: A Journal of
Contemporary Caribbean Policy Issues, Volume 3, Number 1 (1997)) / 26
1.3 Education
in the West Indies: Address to the Canadian International Development Agency –
CIDA, November 1989 / 39
Education and Training: The Keys to Survival
of Developing Countries, Address to 9th World Conference on Cooperative
Education at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, August 31, 1995 / 44
1.5 Deficiencies
in Education: Thwarting Regional Development: Article Published in the Sunday
Gleaner, March 8, 1992 / 49
1.6 New
Directions in Education in the OECS Countries, Address to the Education
Conference: St Lucia – May 29–31, 1990 / 53
1.7 Reflections
on the Problem of Unemployment in the Commonwealth
Caribbean into the Seventies: Proceedings of a Conference held at Howard
University, Washington, D.C. on September 28–30, 1973 / 57
1.8 The
Importance of Productivity Growth in the Caribbean: Address to the Caribbean
Association of Industry and Commerce Annual Awards Banquet, At the Novotel
Hotel, Gosier, Guadeloupe, May 26, 1989 / 68
1.9 The
Knowledge Economy: Address in Honour of Dr Eric Williams, 2006 / 72
Section 2 The Role
of the University in the Development Process
Introduction to Section 2 / 79
Confronting the Challenges of Change: Vice
Chancellor’s Address to the University Community Academic Year, 1991 / 82
Opening Our Windows to the World: Vice Chancellor’s Address to the
University Community, Academic Year – 1992–1993, September 24, 1992 / 88
Address by the Vice Chancellor to the UWI
Community: At the Start of 1993/94 Academic Year / 96
Striving for Excellence: Address to UWI
Students – Faculty of Social Sciences, Mona, Thursday, March 18, 2004 / 104
Challenges Facing the UWI for the 21st
Century: Presentation at the University of Sheffield Conference on Change in
the Higher Education Sector, Port of Spain, Trinidad, October 7, 1995 / 107
Productivity and Efficiency Issues in UWI:
Some Working Notes – Regional Symposium on Tertiary Education Financing,
Barbados, November 21–24, 2005 / 112
The West Indian University Revisited: Sixth
Eric Williams Memorial Lecture, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, June 18,
1988 / 120
Address on the Occasion of the Opening of
the Alister McIntyre Building, Cave Hill Campus, October 2009 / 129
Address – Speaking Notes: Opening of the
Alister McIntyre Building, University of the West Indies, Mona, September 2,
2002 / 132
National Development: Aspects of the Task
Ahead – Address to the Graduating Class, UWI, Mona Campus, February 9, 1980 /
Inaugural Address: To the Vice Chancellor’s
Roundtable, the Council Room, UWI, Mona, September 15, 1995 / 140