List of Tables / x About the Editors / xiii Tribute / xv
Foreword / xvii Acknowledgements / xix Introduction / xxi
List of Abbreviations / xxiii
Section 1 Regional
Economic Integration and the Caribbean Experience
Introduction to Section 1 / 3
1.1 Aspects
of Development and Trade in the Commonwealth Caribbean, Economic Bulletin for
Latin America, ECLAC, 1964 / 9
1.2 Decolonization
and Trade Policy in the West Indies (in F. Andic andT. Mathews Eds.) The
Caribbean in Transition, University of Puerto Rico, 1965 / 69
1.3 Opening
Statement at the Second Meeting of Conference of Heads of Government of the
Caribbean Community, December 8, 1975 / 92
1.4 Opening
Remarks at the Eighth Meeting of the Common Market Council of Ministers, St
George’s, Grenada, April 23, 1976 / 95
1.5 The
Role of the Economic Integration Process in Regional Development: The Caribbean
Experience, Delivered at the Institute of Latin American Studies, University of
London, December 14, 1976 / 99
1.6 Review
of Integration Movements in the Third World with Particular Reference to the
Caribbean Community, Symposium on Ten Years of CARICOM Integration Experience,
Bridgetown, Barbados, July 4, 1983 / 109
1.7 The
Political Economy of Canadian-West Indian Relations (Written jointly with Kari
Levitt, May 5, 1966) / 120
1.8 Studies
in Foreign Investment in the Commonwealth Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago
(written jointly with Beverly Watson), June 1970 / 136
1.9 Caribbean
Integration and Development: Some Further Steps for Re-Conceptualizing
Integration for Development, March 2008 / 200
Section 2 International
Trading Relations and Negotiations
Introduction to Section 2 / 205
Some Economic Issues Arising from the
Options Offered by the Enlarged European Economic Community to Developing Commonwealth
Countries in Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean,
Prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat, London, United Kingdom, March 1972 /
The Caribbean after 1992: Sir Thomas Holland
Memorial Lecture, Royal Society of Arts, London, United Kingdom, April 24, 1990
/ 237
Preparing for 1992, Statement Made to the
West India Committee Conference on Europe and the Caribbean, November 20, 1990
/ 246
Long-term Changes in Europe/Caribbean
Relations: Some Potential Areas for Cooperation, November 20, 1992 / 252
Development Cooperation after UNCTAD VI:
Aspects of the Intellectual Task Ahead, Paper for the IDS Bulletin on UNCTAD—
Address to the Development Studies Association Conference, September 1983 / 257
The Importance of Negotiation Preparedness:
Reflections on the Caribbean Experience, 1994 / 263
International Trade Negotiations, April 2004
/ 269
Towards a New International Economic Order:
Report by a Commonwealth Experts Group / 274
Section 3 The
Future of Caribbean Trade and Development
Introduction to Section 3 / 313
The European Single Market: The Need for
Vigilance and Innovation by CARICOM Countries, May 24, 1990 / 315
Changing Perceptions of Development: Their
Implications for the Caribbean, the Inaugural William G. Demas Memorial
Lecture, Barbados, October 11, 2000 / 321
The International Economic Situation:
Elements for a Policy Agenda, Keynote Address, First Conference of the
Association of Caribbean Economists, July 1–7, 1987 / 331
The Right to Choose: Some Lessons of
Independence in the Field of External Economic Relationships, Speech delivered
in Castries, St Lucia, 1989 / 339
The Future of CARICOM in the Global Economy,
Address to the Planning Institute of Jamaica Symposium, Jamaica Conference
Centre, October 6, 1992 / 345
The Imperatives for Economic Growth in the
OECS, November 22, 2002 / 352
Small Countries in the World Economy: Some
Observations Relevant to the Caribbean, September 2006 / 355
Increasing the Contribution of Tourism to
Jamaica’s Development – Closing Remarks at the Final Session, UWI Mona Academic
Conference, August 28, 2005 / 359
International Competitiveness and Caribbean
Development – Launch of the Competitiveness Company, September 20, 2005 / 363
Epilogue / 367
CARICOM Trade Routes Map / 371
List of Selected Lectures, Addresses and Papers: Sir Alister
McIntyre / 373