Derrick McKoy
Introduction: Panoramic Perspectives on Caribbean Law
Shazeeda Ali and Stephen Vasciannie
Reflections on Fifty Years of Teaching Law
Dorcas White
List of Abbreviations
The Eudaimonic Attorney – The Virtuous Pursuit
of the Greater Good
Shazeeda Ali
Caribbean Republicanism – Values and Vernaculars
Celia Brown-Blake
Appellate Advocate and the Appellate Function
in our Court System
Andrew Burgess
Whose Say Holds Sway? Consent to Medical
Treatment for Children
Rose Cameron
Corporate Governance and the Evolving Law on the Fiduciary Duties of Directors in the
Commonwealth Caribbean
Suzanne Ffolkes-Goldson
Defamation Law as the Enforcement of Morals –
The Case for Greater Use of the Moralist Approach
Gabrielle Elliott-Williams
“Puss an daag nuh ave de same luck” – An
Intersectional Approach to Fairness in Sport
Dr Jason Haynes
Tort Liability in the Hospitality Sector
Gilbert Kodilinye
Harm to Reputation is a ‘Serious’ Thing: Lessons for Jamaica from Recent Developments in Defamation Laws in Australia and in England and
Coleen B. Lewis
The General Exceptions of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas
Andre Sheckleford
Shiprider Reconsidered – Jamaican Jurisdiction
Over Maritime Drug Trafficking
Stephen Vasciannie
The Juridication of Good Governance in
Neto Waite
Selected Bibliography