of Tables \ xiiiList
of Figures \ xv
of Acronyms and Abbreviations \ xvii
\ xviii
\ xix
Preface \ xxi
Part 1 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
1. Understanding
Academic Integrity \ 3
Introduction \ 3
Academic Integrity Defined \ 3
ICAI \ 4
The Role of Education \ 9
The Education System as an Open
Social System \ 12
Academic Dishonesty \ 14
Plagiarism: The Most Popular Form of
Academic Misconduct \ 17
Conclusion \ 19
2. Defining
and Understanding Plagiarism \ 20
Introduction \ 20
Defining Plagiarism \ 20
Types of Plagiarism \ 25
Plagiarism across the Globe \ 28
What’s so Wrong with Plagiarizing? \ 29
Contract Cheating \ 34
Conclusion \ 36
3. Causes
and Prevalence of Plagiarism \ 37
Introduction \ 37
Why Students Plagiarize \ 37
Plagiarism and the Internet \ 42
Factors Impacting Plagiarism among
Academics \ 44
Prevalence of Plagiarism \ 45
Conclusion \ 48
4. Detection
and Consequences of Plagiarism \ 50
Introduction \ 50
Detecting Plagiarism \ 50
Consequences of Plagiarism for Students
\ 54
Consequences for Plagiarism among
Academics \ 56
Deterrents to Plagiarism \ 57
Conclusion \ 58
Part 2 Research on Academic Integrity in the Caribbean
5. Background
to the Caribbean \ 61
Introduction \ 61
Defining the Caribbean \ 61
Overview of Education in the
Caribbean \ 64
Funding Education in the Caribbean \ 66
Regional Educational Institutions \ 68
Conclusion \ 73
6. Methodology
\ 75
Introduction \ 75
Research Objectives \ 75
Research Design \ 76
Content Analysis \ 76
Descriptive Survey \ 81
Ethical Concerns \ 84
Secondary Data \ 84
Conclusion \ 84
7. Snapshots
of Plagiarism from across the Caribbean \ 85
Introduction \ 85
Background \ 85
Review of Literature \ 86
Presentation and Analysis of Data \ 87
Discussion of Findings \ 93
8. Maintaining
Academic Integrity in Secondary Education
in the Caribbean \ 94
Introduction \ 94
Background \ 94
Review of Literature \ 97
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 99
Discussion of Findings \ 110
9. Academic
Integrity and Plagiarism Policies of Caribbean
Higher Education Institutions \ 112
Introduction \ 112
Background \ 112
Review of Literature \ 113
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 114
Discussion of Findings \ 132
10. Academic
Integrity, Accreditation and Plagiarism in
Higher Education \ 135
Introduction \ 135
Background \ 135
Review of Literature \ 137
Accreditation in the Caribbean \ 138
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 140
Discussion of Findings \ 149
11. Undergraduate
Students’ Perceptions of Plagiarism:
Analysis of Quantitative Data \ 152
Introduction \ 152
Background \ 152
Review of Literature \ 153
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 154
Discussion of Findings \ 161
12. In
Their Own Words – Undergraduates’ Perception of
Plagiarism \ 163
Introduction \ 163
Background \ 163
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 163
Discussion of Findings \ 175
13. Perceptions
of Plagiarism by Academic Discipline and
Gender \ 177
Introduction \ 177
Background \ 177
Review of the Literature \ 178
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 183
Discussion of Findings \ 194
14. Perception
of Plagiarism by Age and Academic Maturity \ 196
Introduction \ 196
Background \ 196
Review of Literature \ 197
Data Presentation and Analysis \ 199
Discussion of the Findings \ 205
15. Conclusions
Drawn from the Research \ 207
Prevalence of Plagiarism in Education
in the Caribbean \ 207
HEIs Presentation and Treatment of
Plagiarism in Their
Policies \ 210
Undergraduates’ Perception of
Plagiarism \ 212
Part 3 Developing a Culture of Academic Integrity
and National Framework for Academic Integrity \ 217
Introduction \ 217
The State of Academic Integrity in
the Caribbean:
Findings and Recommendations \ 217
From Plagiarism Policies to a Culture
of Academic Integrity \ 219
Regional Approach to Academic
Integrity \ 223
National Academic Integrity
Programmes \ 224
From a Punitive Approach to a Culture
of Integrity \ 226
Ethical Issue, Moral Dilemma or
Educational Challenge? \ 229
Conclusion \ 231
17. Institutional
Context for Academic Integrity \ 232
Introduction \ 232
Triad for Developing Academic
Integrity within Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) \ 232
Institutional Framework \ 235
The Role of the Library in Promoting
Academic Integrity \ 241
Conclusion \ 247
18. Roles
and Responsibilities of Faculty and Students \ 248
Introduction \ 248
Faculty as Critical Partners \ 248
Strategies for Developing and
Practising Integrity \ 251
Graduate Education on Academic
Integrity \ 258
Discipline-Specific Approach to
Plagiarism \ 259
Role of the Student \ 259
Barriers to Engagement of Faculty and
Students \ 263
Conclusion \ 266
19. Elements
of the Academic Integrity Programme \ 267
Introduction \ 267
Elements of a Programme Designed to
Develop a Culture
of Integrity \ 267
Mitigation \ 268
Strategies for Prevention \ 272
Managing Allegations of Misconduct \ 274
Rehabilitation \ 277
Reporting Systems \ 278
Honour Systems \ 279
Ongoing Programme Evaluation \ 281
Conclusion \ 283
20. Education
and Training for Academic Integrity \ 284
Introduction \ 284
The Need for Training and Education
in Academic
Integrity in the Caribbean \ 284
Academic Integrity Instructions at
the Pre-University Level \ 286
Education for Integrity at the
Primary and Secondary Levels \ 290
Developing Academic Integrity among
Students in HEIs \ 293
Methodology for Use in Academic
Integrity Education \ 298
Developing Academic Integrity among
Faculty \ 302
Conclusion \ 303
21. The
Way Forward \ 304
Introduction \ 304
Background \ 304
Building a Culture of Integrity \ 308
Conclusion \ 311
Appendix 1: Questionnaire \ 315
Appendix 2: Confessions of a
Plagiarist \ 318
/ 323
Index / 363