List of Figures / vi
List of Tables / vii
Preface and Acknowledgements / ix
Note to Readers / xiii
List of Key Acronyms and Abbreviations / xv
1. Introduction:
Belize, Democracy and Clientelism / 1
2. Helping the People:
1954 to Independence / 27
3. Fertile Ground: The
First Post-Independence Decade / 49
4. Clientelism
Entrenched: The 1990s and Beyond / 59
5. Fuelling the
Expansion: A Perfect Storm / 93
6. Tek di Money:
Distorted Democracy / 122
7. Big Game, Small
Town: Belize through Caribbean Lens / 163
8. Conclusions: Trapped
in a Clientelist Web / 184
Epilogue: The Next Tranche (Covering Selected Developments from 2014 to
June 2021) / 199
Appendix 1: Electoral Map of Belize by Political Party Holding Each
Constituency in 2008 / 217
Appendix 2: Brief Description of the Four Constituencies Selected for
Focused Research / 218
Appendix 3: “Tek di Money”: Election Poster, December 2011 / 223
Notes / 225
Selected Bibliography / 265
Index / 287