Part 1 Destabilizing Discourses and Practices
Disruptions and Dangers: Destabilizing Caribbean Discourses on Gender, Love and Power
V. Eudine Barriteau
Part 2 Epistemic Excavations, Narrative Negotiations and Sexualized Power
Feminist Social Epistemologies and Caribbean Scholarship: Exploring a Potential Paradigm Shift
Roxanne burton
The Divine and the Demonic: Sylvia Wynter and Caribbean Feminist Thought Revisited
Tonya Haynes
Coming Home to the Erotic Power of Love and Desire in Caribbean Heterosexual Unions
V. Eudine Barriteau
What Does It “Really” Mean to Be a Wo/Man? Narratives of Gender by Women and Men
Halimah A.F. DeShong
Part 3 Gendering Caribbean Civilization, Security and Trade
Regional Integration and Caribbean Civilization: Continuing the Debate
Jessica Byron
Engendering Security: HIV/AIDS and Human (In)Security in the Caribbean
Wendy C. Grenade
“These Issues Are Gender Neutral”: Caribbean Gender-Free Trade Relations
Kristina Hinds Harrison
Part 4 Into the Margins: Filtering Economic Analysis Through a Gendered Lens
Finance Rhetoric and Gender Tropes into the Twenty-first Century
Don D. Marshall
Economics, Entrepreneurship and Gender: Integrating “the Others” into Enterprise Development Strategies
Jonathan Lashley
Fostering Freedom: A Feminist Analysis of Micro-Enterprise Development for Women in the Caribbean
April Bernard
Part 5 Feminist Travels Through Diasporic Communities, Diverse Sexualities and Politicized Pedagogies
Who Is Your Mama? Transnational Motherhood and African-Caribbean Women in the Diaspora
Charmaine Crawford
Activism in Academia: Twenty-first-Century Caribbean Feminist Dilemmas
Gabrielle J. Hosein
Passionate Realities: Students’ Perceptions of Sexuality at the University of the West Indies, Mona
Annecka Marshall
Part 6 looking Back to the Future of Gender
Locating Gender in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Caribbean
Tara Inniss
Contemporary Gender Relations among Afro-Costa Ricans
Carmen Hutchinson Miller
Part 7 The Gaze: Men, Masculinity and Loving
Constructing Brotherhood: Fraternal Organizations and Masculinities in Barbados since 1740
Aviston Downes
The Harder They Fall: Masculinity and the Cinematic Gaze
Patricia Mohammed